Episode 12 – The Home Front
The Home Front (formerly “Holding”) is a long form show developed in Canberra by Catherine Crowley and Heidi Silberman, about the lives of the women holding the home front in WWI. Cathy and Heidi talk about: the development of the show; drawing on research and historical materials; paying respect to the characters; and their plans for the future.
For me this is the most exciting improvised show in this country over the past few years. It’s funny, intelligent, deals with strong emotional subject matter, plays for truth, and is uniquely Australian. This is where I’d like to see improvisation in Australia heading next.
Their upcoming season was developed in association with The Street Theatre, thanks to project funding from artsACT. You can (and should) buy tickets online from The Street Theatre ticketing website.
Episode12-TheHomeFront.mp3 (65.9 MB, 37m 59s)
Recorded on 23rd March 2014
Episode 11 – Rue de la Rocket Episode 13 – Playback Theatre Sydney